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Realizing Research Based on Tri Darma

Conducting research is part of the three aspects in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. USU's vision is to become a university that has academic excellence as a barometer of scientific progress that is able to compete in a global world order. USU is committed to providing quality education and carrying out a series of research to produce findings that are innovative, beneficial to society, and recognized nationally and internationally.


Latest Announcements Regarding Research

Research Agenda

Research Activity Agenda
Life Cycle Assessment Research Cluster Seminar 2024
Life Cycle Assessment Research Cluster Seminar 2024

Research List

No. Lecturer Name Title Year
3 BODE HARYANTO "Pemanfaatan Tongkol Jagung sebagai Adsorben Pemurnian Minyak Jelantah: Adsorben Alami dan Teraktivasi" 2022
4 MUHAMMAD AGUNG PUTRA HANDANA Penggunaan Bambu Betung Sebagai Material Hijau Lokal pada Aplikasi Perancah Konstruksi dan Perancah Pekerja 2022
5 RENITA MANURUNG Katalis Basa Padat Berbasis Daun Sawit Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Sekitar Perkebunan dalam Integrasi Kebun Kelapa Sawit dan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Upaya untuk Menurunkan Biaya Produksi Biodiesel Berbasis Minyak Sawit 2022
9 RONDANG TAMBUN Pengaruh Penambahan Serbuk Daun Sirsak (Annona Muricata L.) Pada Cat Sebagai Inhibitor Korosi Besi Dalam Medium Natrium Klorida 2022

Research Grant

Hubungan Struktur Tata Ruang Kota dengan Tingkat Penyebaran Virus Covid 19
Chairman : Dwira Nirfalini Aulia

Schema : Master Thesis Research
Nominal : Rp 29.500.000,-

Karakteristik Bahan Bakar Campuran Biodiesel Biji Karet dan Plastic Pyrolisis Oil
Chairman : Himsar Ambarita

Schema : Doctoral Dissertation Research
Nominal : Rp46.800.000,-

Kajian Performansi Mesin Diesel dan Laju Korosi pada Biodiesel dari Campuran Minyak Goreng Sisa (Wco), Minyak Kesambi dan Minyak Solar
Chairman : Ilmi

Schema : Doctoral Dissertation Research
Nominal : Rp50.000.000,-

Research Facilities

The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara, provides a range of facilities to support the conduct of research. in the field of engineering science. It has a series of laboratories to support research activities in the engineering field. You can find a series of research facilities at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sumatera Utara here.

Water Quality Analysis Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Water Quality Analysis Laboratory is one of the facilities in the Faculty of Engineering used to analyze water's composition and physicochemical properties to determine whether the water is safe and suitable for use according to human and environmental needs. The analysis includes measuring parameters such as pH, temperature, turbidity, metal content, organic substances, bacteria, and other chemicals affecting water quality. The results of this analysis can be used to take appropriate action to maintain good water quality and minimize the adverse impacts that can result from water pollution.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Turmuzi, MS
Head of Laboratory

Antenna and Propagation Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Antenna and Propagation Laboratory is an electrical engineering facility used to conduct research and development related to antennas and electromagnetic wave propagation. The laboratory is equipped with specialized equipment and instruments that can be used to study antenna characteristics, such as impedance, efficiency, radiation pattern, and resonant frequency. In addition, this laboratory also explores how electromagnetic waves behave when propagating through mediums such as air, water, and other solid materials. The research results in this laboratory can be used to develop more efficient antenna technology and more reliable wireless communication systems.

Rahmad Fauzi, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Concrete Materials & Engineering Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Concrete Materials & Engineering Laboratory is a laboratory that instructs civil engineering students about the properties and characteristics of building materials, especially concrete and other construction materials. This laboratory is facilitated by concrete compressive strength test equipment, slump test equipment, concrete shear test equipment, wear test equipment, and material durability test equipment. The aim is to train students' ability to design, produce, and test concrete and other construction materials following technical standards and requirements so that students are ready to work in construction and project management.

Ir. Syahrizal, MT
Head of Laboratory

Basic Telecommunication Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Basic Telecommunication Laboratory provides an understanding and practical experience of the basics of telecommunications. The laboratory has various tools such as oscilloscope, function generator, multimeter, and signal analyzer. This laboratory primarily provides practical experience in operating telecommunications equipment and understanding its working principles.

Ir. M. Zulfin, MT
Head of Laboratory

Basic Electronics Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Basic Electronics Laboratory is an educational facility that aims to be a practicum forum for students designing, making, and analyzing electronic circuits. This laboratory has various tools and devices such as oscilloscope, function generator, multimeter, and others needed for practicum. Students are expected to develop practical skills and broaden their understanding of modern electronic technology with this laboratory.

Ir. Arman Sani, MT
Head of Laboratory

Foundry Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Foundry Laboratory serves as a facility to train mechanical engineering students in making workpieces using metal casting technology. In this laboratory, students learn about the basic principles and techniques of metal casting, the introduction of materials and equipment used, and the ability to process and analyze cast data. The laboratory is facilitated with melting furnaces, molds, and supporting tools such as temperature gauges and dimensional measuring devices.

Head of Laboratory

Hydraulics Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Hydraulics Laboratory is an educational facility that trains students to understand the principles of hydraulics and test various hydraulics equipment used in civil engineering. This laboratory is equipped with discharge test equipment, flow velocity test equipment, and friction loss test equipment, which are useful for testing fluid flow properties in pipes or waterways. This laboratory aims to provide students with an understanding and practical experience in measuring and analyzing hydraulics data to design efficient and safe water structures and systems.

Ivan Indrawan, ST, MT
Head of Laboratory

Highway Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Highway Engineering Laboratory is an important facility that serves to support student learning in the field of highway construction. This laboratory provides an opportunity for students to recognize and learn practices related to pavement engineering, traffic engineering, and highway engineering, with learning that includes the introduction of pavement materials, techniques for selecting appropriate pavement types, testing the properties of road materials, and analyzing and designing road geometrics.

Irwan Suranta Sembiring, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Analytical Chemistry Laboratory is one of the Department of Chemical Engineering laboratories, which is very important for students who want to learn about analytical chemistry and analytical instruments. This laboratory is part of the practicum of Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Instrumentation courses contained in the curriculum of the Chemical Engineering department. In practicum activities, the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory offers students an in-depth and adequate learning experience. Through this laboratory, students will learn the basics of chemical analysis, which include qualitative and quantitative analysis, separation of elements/compounds, and development of research methods. In addition, students will also learn about the primary application of chemical analysis methods such as conventional analysis (volumetry and gravimetry) and modern analysis (instrumentation).

Mersi Suriani Sinaga, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Physical Chemistry Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Physical Chemistry Laboratory serves to provide a forum for scientific practice for students to understand qualitative and quantitative analysis, the physical properties of chemical compounds, and physical and chemical equilibrium. Some practicum materials include boiling point rise, adsorption isotherms, and viscosity. Laboratory support facilities that include tools such as hot plates, spectrophotometers, and analytical scales are provided so students can understand the effect of physical-chemical properties on reactions.

Prof. Ir. Indra Surya, M.Sc., Ph.D
Head of Laboratory

Organic Chemistry Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Organic Chemistry Laboratory provides an integrated practicum in the Organic Chemistry course in the second semester. In its primary function, the Organic Chemistry Laboratory provides educational services, improves learning quality, and researches natural materials for material needs. In the practicum, students will learn to identify functional groups, synthesize organic compounds, and isolate natural materials. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment such as a hot plate, centrifuge, oven, and glassware such as a three-neck flask and Erlenmeyer. Routine practicum is held every Wednesday and Saturday and assisted by experienced assistants.

Dr. Maulida, ST., M.Sc
Head of Laboratory

Mechanical Engineering Computing Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Mechanical Engineering Computing Laboratory is a facility in the Department of Mechanical Engineering that performs computational simulation and analysis in mechanical engineering. The laboratory is equipped with the latest machine modeling and analysis software, such as ANSYS, SolidWorks, and AutoCAD, which allows students and researchers to simulate the strength, dynamics, and performance of machines under various conditions. The Mechanical Engineering Computing Laboratory is also used to develop new models and prototypes and evaluate and improve existing machine designs. The goal is to enhance students' understanding and skills in applying computational techniques to optimize the performance of machines and mechanical systems.

Head of Laboratory

Architectural Computing Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Architectural Computing Laboratory supports and develops the main functions of the architectural field, especially in Communication and Digital Architecture. This laboratory provides software and hardware facilities and infrastructure to aid final project students, architectural design studios, and built environment planning. The goal is to help graduates have the competencies expected in Communication and Digital Architecture.

Wahyu Abdillah, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Industrial Engineering Computing Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Industrial Engineering Computing Laboratory is a facility that supports learning, research, and community service activities in industrial engineering, especially those related to information and computing technology. The laboratory is equipped with hardware and software that allows students and lecturers to perform simulations, data analysis, and model development in various aspects of industrial engineering, such as production management, supply chain management, and quality management. Thus, this laboratory is vital in helping students and lecturers develop technical and analytical skills and produce research and innovations that benefit industry and society.

Khalida Syahputri, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Engineering Drawing Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Engineering Drawing Laboratory at the Department of Industrial Engineering provides engineering drawing practicum using AutoCAD and SolidWorks software. This practicum is essential for skill training after learning theory in college to improve students' ability to draw computerized techniques. AutoCAD and SolidWorks help facilitate work and time efficiency in making 2D and 3D design drawings that require high precision and accuracy.

Mahadi, ST.,MT
Head of Laboratory

Microbiology Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Microbiology Laboratory in the Department of Chemical Engineering organizes the Introduction and Bioprocess Technology practicum that enables students to develop practical skills in microbiology laboratory techniques and methods and gain a deeper understanding of various aspects of bioprocessing. Equipped with the latest equipment, the laboratory is a microbiology research center and an educational tool for Chemical Engineering students.

Dr. Ir. Fatimah, MT
Head of Laboratory

Combustion Engine Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Combustion Engine Laboratory is a multifunctional place, serving as a teaching and research laboratory. As a teaching laboratory, the combustion motor laboratory serves the practicum of diesel engines, Otto engines, and calorimeter bombs, which is mandatory for mechanical engineering undergraduate students. Meanwhile, as a research laboratory, the combustion motor laboratory offers performance and exhaust emission testing of combustion motors using alternative fuels such as biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas. The laboratory also provides a calorimeter bomb to measure the calorific value of the fuel. Apart from undergraduate students, this laboratory can be used by graduate students, teaching staff, and private universities.

Terang Ukur Hidayat Solihin Ginting Manik, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Research Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Research Laboratory at the Department of Chemical Engineering was established in 1979 as a place of education and research for undergraduate and postgraduate students and chemical engineering lecturers. This laboratory provides various facilities, such as Autoclave, Furnace, Oven, Desiccator, Balance Sheet, Water distillate, Water bath, and Hot plate to support research activities.

Dr. Ir. Taslim, M.Si.
Head of Laboratory

Solid Waste Management Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Solid Waste Management Laboratory is a facility used to research, test, and develop solid waste treatment technology. This laboratory is equipped with special equipment and instruments to analyze the characteristics and properties of solid waste and to process and test solid waste treatment technologies that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. This laboratory aims to develop effective and efficient solutions for managing solid waste so that it can be treated optimally and eco-friendly.

Ir. Netti Herlina, MT
Head of Laboratory

Electrical Measurement Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Electrical Measurement Laboratory serves to provide practical experience in measuring electrical quantities. The scope of learning in this laboratory is to provide an understanding of measurement techniques, measurement error theory, and measuring instruments. This laboratory's academic support tools and facilities include current and voltage measuring instruments, multimeters, oscilloscopes, function generators, and simulation devices.

Naemah Mubarakah, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Architectural Design Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Architectural Design Laboratory is a facility where architecture students and professional architects can conduct design, research, and development activities in architecture. The laboratory has the latest equipment and technology, such as computers with design software, measurement and modeling tools, and simulation and material testing facilities. The aim is to provide laboratory users with practical experience in understanding various aspects of architecture, such as sustainability, energy efficiency, and the quality of space in buildings. These facilities allow laboratory users to create innovative, functional, aesthetic architectural designs.

Firman Eddy, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Urban Development Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Urban Development Laboratory is a facility where students and professionals in urban and regional planning can conduct research, development, and testing of urban planning strategies and policies. This laboratory is equipped with various latest technologies, such as urban planning software, measurement, mapping tools, and simulation and visualization facilities. The goal is to provide laboratory users with practical experience in understanding various aspects of urban planning, such as transportation, land use, environment, and economy. With these facilities, laboratory users can develop innovative and effective strategies and policies in facing complex urban challenges.

Prof. Ir. Nurlisa Ginting, M.Sc., Ph.D.,IPM
Acting Head of Laboratory

Chemical Industry Process Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Chemical Industry Process Laboratory is a Department of Chemical Engineering facility used by students and lecturers for practicum and research. Established in 1979, this laboratory provides practicum and research services for students, lecturers, and external parties. Practicum activities aim to apply chemical engineering science on a laboratory scale, while this laboratory also serves as a center for research and development in Chemical Industrial Processes. In addition, the laboratory provides guidelines for using practicum and research facilities by students and lecturers.

Prof. Dr. Halimatuddahliana, ST., M.Sc
Head of Laboratory

Manufacturing Processes Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Manufacturing Processes Laboratory at the Department of Industrial Engineering of USU was developed in 2005 by recruiting assistants from Industrial Engineering students. This laboratory continues to develop manufacturing science through the Practicum of Integrated Industrial Engineering (PTIT) and module development. The practicum is conducted Monday through Thursday and consists of Milling, Turning, Drilling, Bench Work, and MPPC and File Routing. Manufacturing process courses, material knowledge, and Occupational Health and Safety are essential for practitioners in practicum activities. This laboratory provides learning about basic techniques in mass product manufacturing for Industrial Engineering students.

Ir. Nurhayati, MT
Head of Laboratory

Electrical Circuit Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Electrical Circuit Laboratory is a facility owned by the Department of Electrical Engineering for practicum and research activities. This laboratory aims to assist students and lecturers in learning the basic concepts and development of electrical circuit technology and encourage the development of innovation and research in electrical engineering. In this laboratory, students can conduct experiments with various electrical circuits, ranging from basic circuits to more complex ones. With the Electrical Circuit Laboratory, students are expected to understand and apply basic concepts and develop their creativity in electrical engineering.

Ir. Raja Harahap, MT
Head of Laboratory

Control System and Computer Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Control System and Computer Laboratory is a learning and research facility for Electrical Engineering students in developing Digital Systems, Microprocessor Systems, and Basic Control. This laboratory has the vision to become a center for developing Digital Engineering, Computer Programming, and Control Systems that can compete nationally and internationally. In carrying out its mission, this laboratory is committed to improving the quality of student competence, organizing Arduino workshops, and producing electronic devices that are useful for the community.

Fakhruddin Rizal Batubara, ST., M.TI
Head of Laboratory

Production Systems Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Production Systems Laboratory is a place for students of the Industrial Engineering Department to practicum in Industrial Engineering Design and Production Systems, which are arranged following the Minimum Standards for Industrial Engineering Laboratories. The Industrial Engineering Design practicum discusses macro-level manufacturing systems, while the Production Systems Practicum focuses on micro and medium-level manufacturing systems. In addition, the Production System Laboratory is also used as a discussion place for students of Industrial Engineering Design I and II courses and holds annual activities such as Product Design Competition and Gatherings. Practicum activities in this laboratory include pre-practicum, practicum, and post-practicum.

Indah Rizkya Tarigan, S.T., M.T
Head of Laboratory

Structural Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Structural Engineering Laboratory is a facility under the Department of Civil Engineering that focuses on teaching and research in structural engineering. The laboratory has the latest equipment and software to support practicum and research, such as tensile testing machines, shear testing machines, structural analysis software, and others. This laboratory aims to improve students' understanding of the basic principles of structural engineering and improve their competence and skills in designing and analyzing building structures.

Nursyamsi, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Structures and Construction Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Structures and Construction Laboratory is a Department of Civil Engineering facility. This laboratory serves as a place for the Department of Civil Engineering students to carry out practicums that support Civil Engineering competencies. The practicum covers the fields of Structures and Construction, such as Steel Structures practicum, Concrete Structures, and Construction Engineering practicum. The Structures and Construction Laboratory is equipped with various modern and sophisticated equipment needed for practicum, such as concrete tensile and compressive testing machines, steel tensile testing machines, and structural testing machines. In carrying out practicum activities, students are guided by lecturers and laboratory assistants who are experienced in Civil Engineering. The Structures and Construction Laboratory aims to strengthen student competence in Structures and Construction and produce Civil Engineering graduates who can compete in the professional world.

N. Vinky Rahman, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Plant Layout and Material Handling  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Plant Layout and Material Handling Laboratory is owned by the Department of Industrial Engineering. This laboratory aims to provide practical experience for students in understanding the concept of effective and efficient plant layouts, as well as being able to design and optimize plant layouts. In this laboratory, students can access the latest software and equipment to support learning, including factory layout simulation software and production system modeling. In this regard, the Factory Layout Laboratory is essential for Industrial Engineering students in preparing themselves for careers in production planning and management in the manufacturing industry.

Ir. Ukurta, MT
Head of Laboratory

Occupational and Environmental Safety Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Occupational and Environmental Safety Engineering Laboratory is a laboratory dedicated to supporting the development and implementation of optimal occupational and environmental safety in the workplace. This laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and a team of trained experts to conduct tests and measurements of various factors that affect occupational and environmental safety in the workplace. In this laboratory, various practicums are carried out, such as air, water, and soil quality testing, noise and vibration measurements, and occupational and environmental risk analysis. In addition, the Occupational and Environmental Safety Engineering Laboratory also provides consultation and training services to customers and students in various areas of occupational and environmental safety. With the tagline "We Believe in Safety for Everyone", the Occupational and Environmental Safety Engineering Laboratory is ready to provide solutions and recommendations to ensure optimal occupational and environmental safety in your workplace.

Head of Laboratory

Chemical Engineering Operations Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Chemical Engineering Operations Laboratory is a facility dedicated to supporting the development of chemical engineering. This laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and a team of trained experts to assist students in understanding and operating several tools related to operating units in chemical engineering and performing qualitative and quantitative analysis. In this laboratory, various subjects are studied, such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and separation processes I and II. In addition, the Chemical Engineering Operations Laboratory also provides consulting and training services to customers and students in various fields of chemical engineering. With complete equipment and facilities and a team of trained experts, the Chemical Engineering Operations Laboratory is ready to provide the solutions and innovations needed to improve the quality and efficiency of production in the chemical industry and other sectors.

Bode Haryanto, ST., MT., Ph.D
Head of Laboratory

Telematics Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Telematics Laboratory is a facility dedicated to supporting information and communication technology development and research. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and a team of trained experts to test and develop telecommunications technology, computer networks, cybersecurity, and data processing. In this laboratory, various practicums are carried out, such as computer network testing, cybersecurity analysis, web-based application development, and big data processing. In addition, the Telematics Laboratory also provides consultation and training services to customers and students in various information and communication technology fields. With complete equipment and facilities and a team of trained experts, the Telematics Laboratory is ready to provide the solutions and innovations needed to face the growing challenges of information and communication technology.

Dr. Maksum Pinem, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory is a facility dedicated to supporting environmentally-focused biotechnology research and development. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and a team of trained experts to research and develop various environmentally friendly biotechnology technologies, such as waste treatment, remediation of polluted soil, and development of microorganisms that are useful in improving environmental quality. In this laboratory, various activities are carried out, such as studying the role of microbes in natural and artificial ecosystems in terms of physiology, metabolism, cell architecture, cell energy, cell growth, evolution, genetic flow, population and population dynamics, as well as verifying the role of microbes in biogeochemical cycles and developing applications and remediation technologies. With complete equipment and facilities and a team of trained experts, the Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory is ready to provide solutions and innovations needed to maintain the sustainability and sustainability of our living environment.

Dr. Eng. Hafizhul Khair A.M, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

CNC/CAD-CAM Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The CNC/CAD-CAM Laboratory is a facility dedicated to supporting the development and application of modern manufacturing technologies, such as CNC machining and CAD-CAM. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and a team of trained specialists to conduct testing and development of manufacturing technology, product design, and prototyping. In this laboratory, various activities are carried out, such as making product designs with CAD-CAM software, making prototypes with CNC machines, and testing product and material quality. In addition, the CNC/CAD-CAM Laboratory also provides consulting and training services to customers and students in various manufacturing and product design fields. With complete equipment and facilities and a team of trained experts, the CNC/CAD-CAM Laboratory is ready to provide the solutions and innovations needed to face the challenges of evolving manufacturing technology.

Ir. Syahrul, M.Sc
Head of Laboratory

Surveying Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Surveying Laboratory is a facility that supports research and development in soil science and geology. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and a team of trained experts to measure and analyze soil and rock data and conduct research and development in geology and the environment. In this laboratory, various activities are carried out, such as measuring water content and soil nutrients, analyzing soil and rock mineral composition, and identifying geological properties and features. In addition, the Surveying Laboratory also provides consultation and training services to customers and students in various fields of soil science and geology. With complete equipment and facilities and a team of trained experts, the Surveying Laboratory is ready to provide solutions and innovations needed to understand the nature and characteristics of soil and geology and support technological development and innovation in civil engineering.

Robi Arianta Sembiring, ST., M.Eng
Head of Laboratory

Core Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Core Laboratory, located in the Department of Industrial Engineering, aims to research and develop science and insight in the field of instrumentation and measuring instruments. In this laboratory, various activities are carried out, such as the development of measuring instruments and instrumentation, testing and calibration of measuring instruments, as well as research and development of technology in the field of instrumentation and measuring instruments. In addition, the Core Laboratory also provides consultation and training services to customers and students in various areas related to instrumentation and measuring instruments. With complete equipment and facilities, as well as a team of trained experts, the Core Laboratory is ready to provide solutions and innovations needed in developing technology and innovation in the field of instrumentation and measuring instruments, as well as understanding the characteristics and properties of various measuring instruments used in multiple applications.

Tania Alda, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Civil Engineering Computing Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Civil Engineering Computing Laboratory is a laboratory facility equipped with the latest computer software and hardware used to perform analysis and simulation in civil engineering. In this laboratory, students and researchers can conduct tests and experiments to understand how structures and construction materials behave under different conditions, such as external loads and forces. Using the latest technology, the laboratory enables users to develop more efficient and innovative solutions and designs for complex civil engineering problems.

Emma Patricia Bangun, ST., M.Eng., Ph.D
Head of Laboratory

Electrical Energy Conversion Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Electrical Energy Conversion Laboratory is a laboratory facility used to research and test electrical energy conversion. The laboratory is equipped with the latest equipment and software used to measure and analyze the performance of electronic equipment in converting electrical energy from one form to another, such as from electrical energy to mechanical or thermal energy. In this laboratory, students and researchers can test electrical equipment such as motors, generators, and inverters and develop more efficient solutions and technologies for converting electrical energy. In addition, this laboratory can also be used to conduct experiments related to renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate electricity.

Ir. Riswan Dinzi, MT
Head of Laboratory

Built Environment Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Built Environment Laboratory is a research and testing facility that aims to understand and address the environmental impacts generated by building and infrastructure development or construction activities. This laboratory can conduct tests on building materials, indoor air quality, wastewater, construction waste, and others to ensure the safety and sustainability of the built environment. This laboratory's existence can help develop technology and development practices that are more environmentally friendly and meet applicable environmental regulations.

Ir. Sri Gunana Sembiring, MT
Head of Laboratory

Soil Mechanics Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Soil Mechanics Laboratory is a research and testing facility that focuses on the mechanical properties of soils and other geotechnical materials. The laboratory is equipped with specialized equipment to test soil bearing capacity, slope stability, soil deformation, soil consolidation, and other properties important in the planning and construction of infrastructure projects. The laboratory can also perform geotechnical analysis that helps determine the strength and durability of structures, thus ensuring the safety and sustainability of development projects. The existence of this laboratory can assist in developing safer, more effective, and sustainable development technologies and practices.

Ika Puji Hastuty, ST.,MT
Head of Laboratory

Engineering Mechanics Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Engineering Mechanics Laboratory is a research and testing facility that focuses on the mechanical properties of engineering materials and structures. The laboratory has specialized equipment to test material strength, structural strength, elasticity, deformation, fatigue, and other mechanical properties in civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering design and construction. In addition, this laboratory can also conduct tests on machine and structural components against static and dynamic loads and develop new technologies in the field of mechanics. The existence of this laboratory can help ensure the quality and safety of engineering products and support technological development and innovation in engineering mechanics.

Maraghi Muttaqin, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Air Pollution Control Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Air Pollution Control Laboratory is a research and testing facility that focuses on controlling polluted air quality. The laboratory has specialized equipment to measure and analyze the concentration of airborne particles, gasses, and other hazardous substances that can affect human health and the environment. It can also conduct testing and validation of air pollution control technologies such as air filters, scrubbers, and other technologies to ensure their effectiveness in reducing polluting emissions. The existence of this laboratory can help develop more effective and environmentally friendly air pollution control technologies and provide better air quality for human health and the environment

Isra' Suryati, ST., M.Si
Head of Laboratory

Measurement and Statistics Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Measurement and Statistics Laboratory is a research and testing facility focusing on measurement and data analysis in an industrial context. The laboratory is equipped with specialized equipment for taking measurements and sampling and software and statistical techniques for analyzing data. This laboratory can measure the performance of production systems and processes, time and motion analysis, process capability measurement, and others. This laboratory can also assist in designing experiments, selecting sampling methods, and analyzing multivariate data. The existence of this laboratory can help improve efficiency and productivity in the industry and ensure the quality of the products produced.

Erwin, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Heat Transfer Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Heat Transfer Laboratory is a research and testing facility that focuses on understanding and testing the properties of heat transfer in a system. The laboratory has specialized equipment to measure and control heat transfer in various mediums, including fluids, solids, and gasses. It is also equipped with software and technology to perform numerical analysis and computational simulations related to heat transfer. In industry, this laboratory is used to develop more efficient cooling and heating systems, analyze the performance of tools such as cooling or heating machines, and evaluate the performance of materials used in high-temperature applications. The existence of this laboratory can help ensure higher energy efficiency and better product quality in various industrial applications.

Andianto Pintoro, ST, MT
Head of Laboratory

Steam Turbine Installation Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Steam Turbine Installation Laboratory is a research and testing facility that studies and tests steam-generating systems, such as steam engines and turbines. The laboratory is equipped with specialized equipment to measure and control the properties of steam, including temperature, pressure, and humidity. It is also equipped with software and technology to perform simulations related to the performance of steam engines and turbines. In industry, the laboratory is used to develop more efficient and environmentally friendly steam generation technologies and to test and validate the performance of existing steam generation systems. The laboratory can help ensure steam's safe and efficient use in various industrial applications, including electrical energy production and chemical processing.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ilmi, M.Sc
Head of Laboratory

Drawing Studio Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Drawing Studio Laboratory at the Department of Civil Engineering is vital in supporting the education and implementation of the Civil Engineering study program. This laboratory is also essential for facilitating activities related to the Drawing Studio practicum.
In the Drawing Studio Laboratory, Civil Engineering students of Universitas Sumatera Utara can develop their skills and knowledge about engineering drawings and civil engineering planning. Students can learn how to manually make engineering drawings using tools such as engineering pencils, rulers, letter malls, and erasers. In addition, they can also learn to use computer software such as AutoCAD, one of the most commonly used CAD software in civil engineering.

Indra Jaya, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

Audio Visual Studio Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Audio Visual Studio Laboratory at the Department of Industrial Engineering is an educational facility that aims to support teaching and learning in industrial engineering. This laboratory has various equipment and the latest technology to facilitate practicum, research, and development activities in multimedia, animation, and video production. Through the Audio Visual Studio Laboratory, the Department of Industrial Engineering students are expected to produce quality multimedia works that have high educational value to meet the needs of today's industry, which increasingly requires creativity and innovation in multimedia production.

Andri Nasution, ST., MT.
Head of Laboratory

Fluid Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Fluid Engineering Laboratory is where various kinds of experiments and research are carried out on fluid properties and behavior in stationary and moving conditions. This laboratory conducts experiments to measure and analyze fluid properties such as viscosity, density, pressure, flow, and turbulence. The results of research and experiments in this laboratory can be used for various fields, such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, energy, environment, and industry.

Achmad Husein Siregar, ST, M.Sc
Head of Laboratory

Lubrication Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Lubrication Engineering Laboratory is where various experiments and research are carried out on reducing friction and wear on engine surfaces and lubricating materials used to reduce friction. In this laboratory, experiments are conducted to measure and analyze the properties of lubricants, such as strength, wear, cooling ability, and temperature stability. In addition, research is also undertaken to develop more effective and environmentally friendly lubricant materials. The results of research and experiments in this laboratory can be used to improve the performance and lifespan of engines and reduce the maintenance and replacement cost of engine components.

Ir. Farida Ariani, MT
Head of Laboratory

Refrigeration Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Refrigeration Engineering Laboratory conducts various experiments and research related to refrigeration systems, including the design, testing, and performance evaluation of refrigeration systems. In this laboratory, experiments are conducted to measure and analyze the thermal properties of materials and components, including cooling performance, airflow velocity, and heat transfer. In addition, the laboratory is also equipped with facilities to develop new cooling technologies, such as renewable energy-based cooling and energy efficiency. Results from research and experiments in this laboratory can be used to improve the efficiency of cooling systems, reduce energy costs, and develop more environmentally friendly cooling technologies.

Dian Morfi Nasution, ST., MT
Head of Laboratory

High Voltage Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The High Voltage Engineering Laboratory is an important part of the Electrical Engineering curriculum at Universitas Sumatera Utara. The material taught in this course includes the nature and behavior of electricity at high voltage, the selection and use of high voltage equipment, and an understanding of high voltage-based electrical systems. Therefore, the High Voltage Engineering practicum module is prepared with the aim that students can apply the theory that has been learned using tools and devices in the laboratory.

Ir. Hendra Zulkarnain, MT
Head of Laboratory

Mechanical Technology Laboratory 
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Mechanical Technology Laboratory is a facility where testing and research are conducted to develop mechanical technology. This laboratory conducts various experiments to measure and analyze the properties of materials and mechanical components, including strength, wear, as well as corrosion and fatigue resistance. In addition, the laboratory is also equipped with facilities to design and produce prototypes of mechanical components using CNC technology and other machines. The results of research and experiments in this laboratory can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of mechanical systems, such as industrial machinery and equipment, transportation, and medical equipment, as well as develop new mechanical technologies that are more environmentally friendly.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Armansyah Ginting, M.Eng
Head of Laboratory

Transmission and Distribution Theory Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Transmission and Distribution Theory Laboratory is a laboratory facility used to research and test electricity transmission and distribution systems. In this laboratory, two practicums are carried out: the Power System Practicum and the Electrical Installation Engineering Practicum. These practicums are carried out in the Transmission and Distribution Theory Laboratory using sophisticated equipment and instruments. Thus, students will gain valuable practical experience and knowledge in operating and designing electric power systems and electrical installations in buildings.

Ir. Zulkarnaen Pane, MT
Head of Laboratory

Architectural History and Criticism Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

Architectural History and Criticism Laboratory is a laboratory used to study architecture's history, theory, and criticism. In this laboratory, students can explore various architectural theories and architecture from the past to the present and develop analytical and critical skills in reviewing architectural designs. This laboratory also conducts research and develops innovative and sustainable design concepts. In addition, this laboratory is often used to organize seminars, workshops, and discussions with architectural experts so that it can become a center for the development of knowledge and architectural discourse that is dynamic and has a global outlook.

Dr. Ir. Dwi Lindarto Hadinugroho, MT
Head of Laboratory

Ergonomics and Work Measurement Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

Ergonomics and Work Measurement Laboratory is a smart laboratory for education, research, and services for lecturers, undergraduate students, and external users. The goal is to produce competent industrial engineering graduates in human-machine system design, increase the contribution of scientific work in ergonomics and work system design, develop and disseminate scientific concepts of ergonomics and work design analysis, and produce patents to improve laboratory performance.

Chindy Elsanna Revadi, S.T.,M.T
Acting epala Laboratorium

Control Engineering Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Control Engineering Laboratory is a laboratory facility used to study and develop regulatory and control systems on engineering devices. In this laboratory, students can learn various concepts of regulation and control and test and repair regulatory systems on engineering devices. This laboratory has computer software and sophisticated measurement equipment, such as oscilloscopes, multimeters, and other measuring instruments. Students can practice system settings and controls on electric motors, pneumatic systems, and hydraulic systems. The Control Engineering Laboratory is also used to research and develop more sophisticated and effective control and control technology. Thus, this laboratory can become a center for developing science and technology in regulatory and control engineering.

Ahmad Yunus Nasution, ST., MT
Acting epala Laboratorium

Machinery Construction Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Machinery Construction Laboratory is a laboratory facility used to study and develop machinery construction. In this laboratory, students can learn various types of machines, including conventional and advanced machines such as CNC (Computer Numerical Control). The laboratory has advanced production machines and measurement equipment, such as lathes, milling machines, grinding machines, and micrometers. Students can practice using these machines to make various machine components, such as shafts, gears, and bearings. In addition, the Machinery Construction Laboratory is also used to conduct research and development of more efficient and innovative machine construction technology. Thus, this laboratory can become a center for the development of science and technology in the field of machine construction.

Ade Irwan, S.T.,M.T
Acting epala Laboratorium

Metallurgy Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

Metallurgy Laboratory is a laboratory used to study and develop knowledge about metals and alloys. In this laboratory, students can learn various metallurgical concepts, such as metal crystal structure, alloy manufacturing and properties, and metal processing technology. The laboratory is equipped with sophisticated equipment, such as electron microscopes and X-ray diffractometers, which are used to study the structure and properties of materials. Students can practice metal processing techniques like smelting, casting, and material properties testing. The Metallurgy Laboratory is also used to research and develop more efficient and environmentally friendly metal technologies. Thus, this laboratory can become a center for developing science and technology in metallurgy.

Fadly Ahmad Kurniawan Nasution, ST., MT
Acting epala Laboratorium

Solar Energy Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Solar Energy Laboratory is a laboratory facility used to study and develop solar energy technology. In this laboratory, students can learn various solar energy concepts, such as the working principle of solar cells, solar energy storage technology, and integrated power grid systems. The laboratory has sophisticated equipment, such as solar panels, batteries, and inverters, used to practice solar energy technology. Students can also conduct research and development of solar energy technology that is more efficient and environmentally friendly. Thus, this laboratory can become a center for developing science and technology in solar energy.

Hendrik Voice Sihombing, S.T.,M.T
Acting epala Laboratorium

Dynamics Laboratory  
Faculty of Engineering's Building

The Dynamics Laboratory is a laboratory facility used to study and develop the concept of dynamics in engineering structures. In this laboratory, students can learn various dynamics concepts such as vibration and damping, dynamic response, and spectral analysis. The laboratory is equipped with sophisticated measurement equipment and instruments, such as vibration controllers, frequency measuring devices, and acceleration measuring devices, which are used to practice dynamics analysis techniques. Students can practice dynamics analysis techniques on engineering structures such as bridges, buildings, and other buildings. In addition, the Dynamics Laboratory is also used to conduct research and development of more efficient and innovative structural dynamics technology. Thus, this laboratory can become a center for developing science and technology in structural dynamics engineering.

Dr. Ing. Ir. Ikhwansyah Isranuri
Acting epala Laboratorium